- 1. Sally always bad-mouth her classmates.
- 萨利老是说她同学不好。
- 2. Candice: Hey Brian. Don't bad-mouth me!
- 坎迪斯:嗨,布莱恩,不要说我坏话!
- 3. I don't like you to bad-mouth other people behind their back.
- 我不喜欢你在背后说别人的坏话。
- 4. You always bad-mouth me in front of our manager. What do you want?
- 你总是在经理面前说我坏话。你想干吗?
- 5. I really get tired of hearing Sally bad-mouth her mother and father.
- 我真是听得烦死了。她从来也没有说过他们什么好话。
- 6. "To bad-mouth (someone)" means to say bad things about another person.
- “诽谤(某人)”意味着对说另一个人不好的事情。
- 7. One of the guys, Brian, starts to grumble about work and to bad-mouth the boss.
- 其中一个家伙,布瑞恩,开始抱怨工作并说了老板的坏话。
- 8. We belittle them for their success, we criticize unfairly, we bad-mouth people, we become obstacles to their further progress.
- 我们因为别人的成功去贬损他们,对他们进行不公正的评价,说他们的坏话,阻碍他们的进步。
- 9. It's never a good idea to bad-mouth someone, because that other person may hear you, or people that you are talking to might tell that person - especially if that person is your boss!
- 说对某人不好的话从来都不是个好主意,因为其他人可能会听到你说的话,或你的倾诉者可能会告诉那个人-——特别是当你所说的那个人是你的老板时!
- 10. It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.
- 嘴里塞满了东西跟人说话是不礼貌的。
- 11. Food tastes good (or bad) based on the sensations it causes in your mouth and belly, right?
- 食物味道的好或坏取决于它在你口腔和肚皮里时的感觉,是这样吗?
- 12. Also, not all germs are harmful; we need friendly bacteria that live on our skin to help fight off bad bugs, and bacteria in our mouth and gut help digest our food and prevent illness and disease.
- 此外,并非所有的细菌都对人体有害;我们的皮肤上需要有“友好”的细菌来帮助抵抗“坏”的细菌,口腔和肠胃里的细菌可以帮助我们消化食物,防止疾病。
- 13. Papa told you not to say any bad words, and you can't open your mouth without one.
- 爸爸叫你不要说任何坏字眼,而你不说一个坏字眼就开不了口。
- 14. I think it makes them unreliable and leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.
- 这样的人会让我觉得他们很靠不住,而且还会给我一个很糟糕的印象。
- 15. Levees protecting the delta at the mouth of the river are in bad shape, too.
- 在河流入口处保护三角洲的堤岸也处于危险之中。
- 16. Still, the request by Universal left a "bad taste in Steven's mouth, " says one Spielberg associate, adding that it prompted the superstar director to rethink his association with the studio.
- "然而,环球的这个要求使斯皮尔伯格感到心里不是滋味,"他的助手说,"迫使一个成功的明星导演开始反思他与环球的合作。"
- 17. "Not bad," said the girl seated beside me, and I watched as she slid one into her mouth.
- 味道不坏,“坐我旁边的女孩说,我眼睁睁看她嘬了一块。”
- 18. The bad taste in your mouth just after waking up from a nap.
- 睡觉刚醒来之后嘴巴里那股难闻的味道。
- 19. Other indicators of ketosis include a metallic taste in the mouth, or bad breath.
- 其它的酮症标志包括嘴里的金属味或口臭。
- 20. Purging can also trigger swelling in the mouth, throat, and salivary glands as well as bad breath.
- 而清洗也可引发嘴部、咽喉和唾液腺的肿胀和口臭。
- 21. Well, bad news: you should have kept your mouth shut, because that good feeling, now will make you less likely to do it.
- 坏消息是:你本应该闭好嘴,因为感觉的良好会降低你的冲劲。
- 22. Pop-up ads leave a bad taste in one's mouth.
- 弹出式广告让人留下坏印象。
- 23. State your reason why you’re resigning, but don’t mention stuff like moving to a rival company, the pay being too low, or any reason that leaves a bad taste in the reader’s mouth .
- 清楚表达你为什么要辞职,但是千万不要写上诸如对手挖角,薪金太低或其它会引起读者反感的原因。
- 24. The citric acid in the juice alters the pH level in your mouth, killing the bacteria that cause bad breath.
- 果汁中的柠檬酸会调节口腔的PH值,杀死造成口气的细菌。
- 25. Either way, if something leaves a bad taste in your mouth, it isn't good.
- 不管怎样,如果某事“在你嘴里留下不好的味道”这都不是什么好事。
- 26. The mouth of unforgiving, generally very soft hearted. My heart is getting, the mouth will speak. So good heart good, bad mouth good.
- 嘴上不饶人的,心肠一般都很软。心里不饶人的,嘴上才会说好听话。所以好人心善,坏人嘴善。
- 27. The mouth of unforgiving, generally very soft hearted. My heart is getting, the mouth will speak. So good heart good, bad mouth good.
- 嘴上不饶人的,心肠一般都很软。心里不饶人的,嘴上才会说好听话。所以好人心善,坏人嘴善。