- 1. It is widely believed that the Peugeot family tired of Mr. Streiff's autocratic ways and penchant for confrontation.
- 人们普遍认为,标致家族厌倦了斯特雷夫先生专横的处事方式以及对抗倾向。
- 2. The people have grown intolerant in recent weeks of the king's autocratic ways.
- 最近几周,民众越来越难以忍受国王的专制行径。
- 3. He is never autocratic, never bullying.
- 他从不专横,从不带有威胁性。
- 4. The perceived social support and autocratic behavior could validly predict intrinsic motivation.
- 知觉社会支持与**行为可有效地预测内在动机;
- 5. He also, like his father, took an autocratic approach to running the company's manufacturing operations.
- 他也像他父亲一样,对整个制作过程采用很独断的达成方式。
- 6. It is widely believed that the Peugeot family tired of Mr Streiff's autocratic ways and penchant for confrontation.
- 因此普遍认为斯特·雷夫之所以下课是因为标致家族已经受够了他的独断和强硬作风。
- 7. The irascible, autocratic Ford would prove as inept a chief executive in his later years as he had been brilliant in his youth.
- 而事实证明,性情暴躁且专横的福特虽然年轻时才华横溢,但到了晚年却变成了一个无能的首席执行官。
- 8. Movie directors are known for being vain, autocratic and egomaniacal, but the curious nature of their art from also makes them invisible.
- 电影导演以自大、专横而著称,但是他们对于艺术的求知的本能却是不易被发现的。
- 9. The panel said his actions were not negligent but down to an "autocratic attitude" in which he believed he was always right and showed no remorse.
- 纪检小组称他的行为并非疏忽大意,而是出于自以为是并不知悔改的“专横态度”。
- 10. The advance thinkers in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty had fonned their thoughts of democratic rights through criticizing the autocratic monarchy .
- 明末清初思想家批判君主专权危害,形成了他们的民权思想;
- 11. By all accounts, Mr. Jobs's perfectionism, autocratic managerial style and disregard for conventional wisdom are at the heart of Apple's remarkable streak of success.
- 在大家看来,乔博斯的完美主义,独断的管理方式,以及不按常理出牌,一起构成了苹果这一阶段成功的核心理由。
- 12. By ensuring that managers listened to the people closest to the work, Welch helped to eradicate a culture in which bosses led by autocratic measures (see also Work-Out).
- 韦尔奇确保管理人员能听取最熟悉工作的员工的意见,从而帮助根除了上司依靠专权手段来领导的那种文化(参见“群策群力”)。
- 13. But the generals have often acted only when prompted by shouting from the street, and then grudgingly, leaving the impression that their instincts remain stubbornly autocratic.
- 但上校们的作为往往要街道上人们的大力呼喊之下才下得了决心,看上去勉勉强强,给人们不好的印象,仿佛他们骨子里还是希望走专权主义的老路似的。
- 14. Dear Annie: a friend of mine sent me your column about five ways to cope with an autocratic boss, but I'm facing a problem with my immediate supervisor that is actually quite a bit worse.
- 亲爱的安妮:我的朋友发给我一篇您写的专栏文章,文中提到了如何搞定专横老板的五条建议。不过,我的顶头上司情况更加恶劣。
- 15. Dear Annie: a friend of mine sent me your column about five ways to cope with an autocratic boss, but I'm facing a problem with my immediate supervisor that is actually quite a bit worse.
- 亲爱的安妮:我的朋友发给我一篇您写的专栏文章,文中提到了如何搞定专横老板的五条建议。不过,我的顶头上司情况更加恶劣。