- 1. The attack on Charles was unjust.
- 对查尔斯的攻击是不公正的。
- 2. He commanded his troops to attack.
- 他命令他的部队进攻。
- 3. Most dogs will not attack unless provoked.
- 大多数狗受到挑衅才会攻击。
- 4. He was stabbed to death in a racist attack.
- 他遭到种族主义者的袭击,被刺死了。
- 5. The patrol came under attack from all sides.
- 巡逻队受到四面八方的攻击。
- 6. He launched a fierce attack on the Democrats.
- 他对民主党人发动了猛烈的攻击。
- 7. The army has come under attack by separatists.
- 军队遭到独立分子的袭击。
- 8. She described the shooting as a wicked attack.
- 她把那次射击描述成一次邪恶的攻击。
- 9. She was obviously in distress after the attack.
- 她受到攻击后显然很痛苦。
- 10. He was poising himself to launch a final attack.
- 他稳定住自己,以发动最后攻击。
- 11. The commander had been forewarned of the attack.
- 指挥官预先得到敌人要发动袭击的警告。
- 12. They launched a stinging attack on the government.
- 他们对政府进行了猛烈的抨击。
- 13. He has laid himself wide open to political attack.
- 他在政治上已经处于极易受到攻击的境地。
- 14. It was a thinly disguised attack on the President.
- 显而易见这是在攻击总统。
- 15. In his dreams he relives the horror of the attack.
- 那次袭击的恐怖景象在他的梦中一再重现。
- 16. Passers-by grappled with the man after the attack.
- 袭击之后过路人便与这男人扭打起来。
- 17. Three of his bodyguards were injured in the attack.
- 他的三名保镖在袭击中受了伤。
- 18. They launched a frontal attack on company directors.
- 他们向公司董事发起了正面攻击。
- 19. Tension has heightened after the recent bomb attack.
- 最近的炸弹袭击之后,情势更加紧张。
- 20. The attack was captured on film by security cameras.
- 袭击事件已被保安摄像机拍摄下来。
- 21. The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea.
- 潜艇在海上是不会受到攻击的。
- 22. It is impossible to defend against an all-out attack.
- 防御全面进攻是不可能的。
- 23. The judge described the attack as an abominable crime.
- 法官称那次袭击为令人发指的罪行。
- 24. The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in 1588.
- 1588年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。
- 25. Anyone who witnessed the attack should call the police.
- 任何目睹了那场攻击的人都应该报警。
- 26. Critics attack his lavish spending and flamboyant style.
- 批评家们抨击他的挥霍无度和过分夸张的作风。
- 27. News of the attack quickly filtered through the college.
- 袭击的消息很快就在这所大学传开了。
- 28. The attack began, sending residents scurrying for cover.
- 袭击开始了,使得居民们急促奔跑寻找藏身之处。
- 29. He renewed his attack on government policy toward Europe.
- 他重新开始抨击政府的欧洲政策。
- 30. The newspaper launched a vitriolic attack on the president.
- 这家报纸对总统发起了一场恶意的攻击。