- 1. The greatest monarch on the proudest throne is obliged to sit upon his own arse.
- 最伟大的君主坐在最骄傲的宝座上,也不得不坐在自己的屁股上。
- 2. I feel like a perfect arse.
- 我觉得自己就像个饭桶!
- 3. He sits on his arse all day doing nothing.
- 他整天光坐着,什么也不干。
- 4. You stupid arse!
- 你这个笨蛋!
- 5. I do not need to be pregnant to kick your arse.
- 我不用怀孕也能海扁你一顿的。
- 6. Should I not have said that? I feel like a perfect arse.
- 我是不是不该说? 我觉得自己就像个饭桶!
- 7. In fact the uros part is related to our English word arse.
- 事实上,uros的部分与我们英语词arse有关。
- 8. He said: "I won't just sit on my arse and wait to come back."
- 他说:“我不会只是坐着干等着复出。”
- 9. Oh! Bugger. Should I not have said that? I feel like a perfect arse!
- 噢!见鬼。我是不是不该说?我觉得自己就像个饭桶!
- 10. What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with his naked arse?
- 你算哪个恶鬼门子的骑士,用光腚都杀不死一只刺猬?
- 11. Frank seems to think the sun shines out of the manager's arse: in his opinion, he can do no wrong.
- 弗兰克似乎非常钦佩经理;依他之见,他不会做错事。
- 12. Arse ne Wenger has been operating without a Director of Football throughout the summer because he did want to unsettle his side.
- 在这个夏天,温格已经在没有足球主管协助的情况下展开了市场运作,因为他不希望让球队陷入不安。
- 13. I admit, though, to being baffled by the cruder popular version of this phrase, "When there are no birds, even an arse is a nightingale."
- 可是,我也得承认,这句话最粗俗最流行的版本会让人有些尴尬,“When thereareno birds,evenanarse is a nightingale . ”直译:林子里没有鸟,连“饭桶”都能混个夜莺当当。
- 14. Manager Arse Wenger has called on Arsenal fans to focus on the positives this season, even though the target was to win the Premiership.
- 即使阿森纳原本的目标是联赛冠军,但是温格依然号召球迷关注球队的积极方面。
- 15. This article provides the synthesis methods of high purity Arsine by arse nic, zinc and sulfuric-acid. The purity is 99.995%. Total yield reaches 85%.
- 介绍了用砷、锌和硫酸合成高纯砷烷的方法,产品纯度为99.995%,总收率为85%。
- 16. Ramsden, of Turnstone Road, Bolton, had posted a message on his Facebook wall earlier that evening which read: "I'm twisted at home. My head's up my arse.
- 刺杀该男子的青年Ramsden在行动前的晚上曾在他的facebook页面上留言,写道:”我正在家中。
- 17. “I can’t just be an arse to him for no reason, ” splutters Harry at one point in the third book in the “Lily’s Charm” series, by a writer called ObsidianEmbrace.
- “我总不能糊里糊涂就孙子了吧!”由ObsidianEmbrace撰写《莉莉的魔法》系列故事第三部中,哈利曾这样气急败坏地说。
- 18. Dein's exit has not affected Henry's commitment to the club but, if the manager, arse ne Wenger, were to waver following his close friend 's dismissal, that position would change.
- 戴恩的离职并不影响亨利履行合约,但是如果经理旺热也打算追随他的好友离开的话,事情就不好说了。
- 19. Dein's exit has not affected Henry's commitment to the club but, if the manager, arse ne Wenger, were to waver following his close friend 's dismissal, that position would change.
- 戴恩的离职并不影响亨利履行合约,但是如果经理旺热也打算追随他的好友离开的话,事情就不好说了。