- 1. The archdiocese says this is nonsense.
- 主教教区则说安德森的话完全是胡言乱语。
- 2. FOR the archdiocese of Milwaukee, the past looms large.
- 在密尔沃基的大主教管区,昔日的问题日益凸显出来。
- 3. A wave of lawsuits followed and, on January 4th, the archdiocese filed for bankruptcy.
- 一件件诉讼风波接踵而至,1月4日,密尔沃基主教教区申请破产。
- 4. These are separately incorporated, the archdiocese contends, so their assets are protected.
- 主教教区声称,教区和学校是分开经营的,因此他们的资产应受到保护。
- 5. Now, the Archdiocese did not return our calls seeking comment and the offices at Saddleback Church were closed.
- 现在,大主教区没有回答我们征询意见的要求,而且马鞍教堂的办公室已经关闭。
- 6. Bankruptcy, he says, will encourage victims to come forward and may eventually force the truth from the archdiocese.
- 他说,破产会鼓励受害者站出来,而且有可能强制主教教区说出真相。
- 7. The archdiocese, plaintiffs claimed, had committed fraud in the 1970s and 1980s by misrepresenting such priests to future victims.
- 原告人声称,在上个世纪的七十年代和八十年代,主教教区没有向今后的受害者真实地报道失职牧师的错误,他们已然是犯了欺诈罪。
- 8. The discrepancy, the archdiocese says, is because certain assets are held in restricted trusts, largely for the care of cemeteries.
- 两者之间的这种差异,主教教区说是因为特定的资产掌握在受限信托机构手中,大部分被用来管理墓地。
- 9. The archdiocese of Boston, where the scandal began, now releases detailed annual accounts and is trying to persuade parishes to follow suit.
- 在丑闻事发的波士顿主教区,教会每年公布一次细致的会计记录并且正在努力劝说基层教会照此行事。
- 10. Then a probe of the archdiocese of Dublin, over the three decades up to 2004, not only found widespread child abuse by priests but police collusion in hiding it.
- 然后是都柏林的大主教管区的一项探查,在时至2004的过去3个时代里,不仅找到了神父对孩童广泛的虐待,还发现勾结警察掩盖此事。
- 11. Catholics had been shocked by a grand-jury report in 2005 that condemned the church for ignoring or dismissing complaints against 63 priests in the archdiocese.
- 天主教徒在2005年就曾对大陪审团的一份报告深感震惊,该报告谴责教堂对针对大主教区63名牧师的抱怨不予理睬或干脆驳回。
- 12. One notable guest was Slovenian Bishop Anton Jamnik, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Llubljana, where efforts to establish a Catholic university are actively under way.
- 来自斯洛文尼亚的安当.亚姆尼克(AntonJamnik)辅理主教是备受注目的嘉宾,他牧养的卢布尔雅那总教区正积极筹建天主教大学。
- 13. The clinic was first established by Father Michael Kim Joong-ho from Seoul archdiocese in 2004 when the Korean doctor priest began offering medical services to poor people in Ulaan Baatar.
- 该诊所早于2004年由韩国首尔总教区的金重浩神父建立,当时这位医生神父已开始在乌兰巴托为穷人提供医疗服务。
- 14. The clinic was first established by Father Michael Kim Joong-ho from Seoul archdiocese in 2004 when the Korean doctor priest began offering medical services to poor people in Ulaan Baatar.
- 该诊所早于2004年由韩国首尔总教区的金重浩神父建立,当时这位医生神父已开始在乌兰巴托为穷人提供医疗服务。