- 1. He never stays angry for long.
- 他生气时间从来不会长。
- 2. She shot an angry glance at him.
- 她很生气,瞪了他一眼。
- 3. She had every right to be angry.
- 她完全有理由生气。
- 4. He fixed her with an angry stare.
- 他生气地盯着她。
- 5. Roberta felt frustrated and angry.
- 罗伯塔感到又懊丧又生气。
- 6. The news provoked an angry response.
- 这条消息引起了人们的愤怒。
- 7. He was still a little angry with her.
- 他还是对她有点生气。
- 8. An angry murmur ran through the crowd.
- 愤怒的抱怨声在人群中迅速蔓延。
- 9. Are you angry with me for some reason?
- 你是因为某个原因生我的气了吗?
- 10. I was angry because I played so badly.
- 我生气因为我弹得这么糟。
- 11. I was very angry and ready for a fight.
- 我非常生气,想打一架。
- 12. I would have walked out, I was that angry.
- 我本要走出去的,我是那样的生气。
- 13. His speech called forth an angry response.
- 他的发言引起了一阵愤怒。
- 14. She got angry and socked him in the mouth.
- 她生气了,照着他的嘴巴就是一拳。
- 15. She learned to shut out her angry feelings.
- 她学会了克制自己的愤怒。
- 16. An angry mob gathered outside the courthouse.
- 一群愤怒的民众聚集到了法院外面。
- 17. The police came under attack from angry crowds.
- 警察遭到来自愤怒群众的攻击。
- 18. Groups of angry youths hurled stones at police.
- 一群群愤怒的年轻人朝着警察猛掷石块。
- 19. We heard angry shouts coming from the flat below.
- 我们听到楼下单元房传来愤怒的喊叫。
- 20. He was getting angry—and with some justification.
- 他生气了—而且不是没有道理的。
- 21. 'And that's not all,' he continued in angry vein.
- “那还不算全部呢。”他生气地继续说道。
- 22. Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square.
- 广场上聚满了成千上万的愤怒示威者。
- 23. The visiting president was jostled by angry demonstrators.
- 到访的总统受到愤怒的示威者的推搡。
- 24. The discussion quickly deteriorated into an angry argument.
- 这场讨论迅速演变成愤怒的争吵。
- 25. Angry protestors with clenched fists shouted their defiance.
- 愤怒的抗议者们紧握拳头高声抗议。
- 26. Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal.
- 想生气的事情能激起强烈的生理兴奋。
- 27. She shot him an angry glance.
- 她很生气,瞪了他一眼。
- 28. I was angry about the rumours.
- 我对这些谣言感到生气。
- 29. His angry glance said it all.
- 他那愤愤的一瞥就道出了一切。
- 30. His angry glance said it all.
- 他那愤愤的一瞥就道出了一切。