- 1. It was the most agonizing decision of her life.
- 这是她一生中最痛苦的决定。
- 2. This is a torturous, agonizing way to kill someone.
- 这是个折磨人、让人痛苦难当的杀人方法。
- 3. Perhaps he was agonizing over the moral issues involved.
- 或许他正在为牵涉到的道德问题伤脑筋。
- 4. I spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not.
- 我用了好些天苦苦思考是否接受这个工作。
- 5. He now faced an agonizing decision about his immediate future.
- 他现在面临着一项关系到他不久的将来的痛苦抉择。
- 6. He now faces an agonizing two-month wait for the test results.
- 他现在要苦苦等待两个月才能拿到测验结果。
- 7. After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.
- 在多次痛苦的考虑后,她决定终止妊娠。
- 8. He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother and brother.
- 他不希望像他母亲和他兄弟那样痛苦地死去。
- 9. Perhaps this is why many worry about the agonizing dullness of a jobless future.
- 也许这就是为什么很多人担心没有工作的未来会让人变得痛苦,令人沉闷。
- 10. At last would the agonizing restlessness be allayed, which destroys my existence!
- 那种毁灭了我的生命的、令人痛苦的不安的情绪,就终于会消失!
- 11. I occasionally doze off, only to be awakened by the agonizing pain of another collapsed vein and infiltrating fluids.
- 我时不时地会打一会瞌睡,但每次都被静脉破裂和输液的液体漏出引起的难忍的痛苦弄醒。
- 12. It was an agonizing decision for him.
- 这对他来说是一个痛苦的决定。
- 13. Chronic pain is an invisible and agonizing symptom.
- 慢性疼痛是一种无形的痛苦症状。
- 14. (He finally did get paid, after four agonizing months.)
- (他最终经历了四个月的煎熬后,拿到了付款。)
- 15. He finally did get paid, after four agonizing months.
- 他最终经历了四个月的煎熬后,拿到了付款。
- 16. I was there for the rest of the night in agonizing pain.
- 我在那里度过了一个痛苦难忍的夜晚。
- 17. His wife died after an agonizing three-year siege of cancer.
- 他的妻子和癌症抟斗三年后辞世。
- 18. Twenty-eight years later, GM is emerging from another agonizing reorganization.
- 二十八年之后,通用汽车在重组风波中浴火重生。
- 19. After that agonizing experience, I had to go to outpatient therapy in Waldorf, MD.
- 在这场痛苦不堪的经历之后,我还得去沃尔多市接受出院治疗。
- 20. As if that exercise wasn't agonizing enough, the participants had to do it five more times.
- 如果这一套程序没有使他们足够伤心的话,参与者则不得不被要求再重复看五次前任伴侣的照片。
- 21. The most agonizing part of the ordeal, she said, was the week-long wait for the test results.
- 她对我说,最令人痛苦的折磨就是苦苦等待测试结果的那一周时间。
- 22. The collegiate faces the agonizing realization that the real world is only one school year away.
- 大学生们不得不痛苦地要去面对只有一年之远的真实世界了。
- 23. His fears of an agonizing death had been allayed and he was now staunchly opposed to euthanasia.
- 面对难以忍受的死亡的恐惧他也平静了,现在他坚定地反对安乐死。
- 24. Sure, of course. I kicked the smoking habit (almost 5 years ago), and it was difficult. Agonizing.
- 是的,当然,我戒烟的时候(大约5年前),真是难死了,痛苦不堪。
- 25. One of the kids said, "we all have our agonizing moments and only then we can feel our happiness."
- 有的孩子写道:“谁都有痛苦的时候,所以才会感觉到幸福”、“太郎如果有脚、耳朵和尾巴的话,也许可以去现在没有去过的地方。”
- 26. He was suffering agonizing pain and was bed-ridden, but was refused euthanasia because it was illegal.
- 他经受着难以忍受的疼痛并且长期卧床,但却因为安乐死是不合法的他被拒绝了。
- 27. I always have been, despite my best efforts to reduce the time and energy I spend agonizing over decisions.
- 而且我一向如此,尽管我尽了最大努力去减少为绞尽脑汁作决定而花费的时间和精力。
- 28. I always have been, despite my best efforts to reduce the time and energy I spend agonizing over decisions.
- 而且我一向如此,尽管我尽了最大努力去减少为绞尽脑汁作决定而花费的时间和精力。