- 1. With flags aflutter.
- 旗子迎风飘扬。
- 2. The woods were aflutter with unknown birds.
- 树林里因有不知名的小鸟而有动静。
- 3. If it sets your heart aflutter, I will take away my eyes from your face.
- 如果它使你心震颤,我就把眼光从你脸上挪开。
- 4. Punch pictured me all aflutter with rags, dickering with a beef-eater for the Tower of London.
- 《笨拙》把我画得衣服都开了线,正跟一个伦敦塔的卫兵讨价还价。
- 5. For those unaware, the literary world is currently aflutter over a scandal involving yet another freshman novelist accused of plagiarism.
- 各位有所不知,目前文学界正为一桩丑闻炸开了锅,主角是另一位被控剽窃的新手小说家。
- 6. The mighty spartans-in lore, if not historical fact-marched with their battle standards, so to speak, unfurled and aflutter in the Aegean breeze.
- 那些强壮的斯巴达人——在传说中,如果不是那么追究历史的话——拿着军旗行进着,可以说,(旗帜)在爱琴海的微风中飘扬。
- 7. Wikipedia is aflutter with angry psychologists demanding that the community take down reproductions of 10 original Rorschach inkblot plates and their statistically common responses.
- 一群愤怒的心理学家要求Wikipedia删除10幅罗夏测试墨迹原图的复制品和常见的回答。
- 8. What really got everybody aflutter was his contention that the Big Bang is an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, so that "it is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper."
- 真正让所有人激动的是,霍金认为,宇宙大爆炸是物理法则不可抗拒的结果,因此“也就没有必要劳烦上帝来点亮生命之灯”。
- 9. What really got everybody aflutter was his contention that the Big Bang is an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, so that "it is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper."
- 真正让所有人激动的是,霍金认为,宇宙大爆炸是物理法则不可抗拒的结果,因此“也就没有必要劳烦上帝来点亮生命之灯”。