- 1. Arid lands, surprisingly, contain some of the world's largest river systems, such as the Murray-Darling in Australia, the Rio Grande in North America, the Indus in Asia, and the Nile in Africa.
- 令人惊讶的是,干旱地区拥有着世界上最大的一些河流系统,如澳大利亚的墨累-达令河、北美的里奥格兰德河、亚洲的印度河和非洲的尼罗河。
- 2. The floods in Swat and the Indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the Netherlands, an indication that things could get worse.
- 斯瓦特和印度河流域的洪水就像荷兰的黄热病蚊子一样,是形势可能恶化的象征。
- 3. In the case of the Indus the two sides' representatives get along well.
- 在印度河流域案例中,双方代表相处融洽。
- 4. One arrangement now under strain is the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty between India and Pakistan.
- 目前处境紧张的一项协议是1960年印度和巴基斯坦签订的印度河水域条约。
- 5. Its artery of roads, bridges and irrigation works, weaving around the Indus, has been smashed.
- 贯穿印度河沿岸的主要公路,桥梁和农田灌溉设施被毁。
- 6. Those cattle are both assets and income generators for Pakistani villagers along the Indus River.
- 那些牛群是这些印度河沿岸巴基斯坦村民的财产和收入来源。
- 7. Images of the Indus river, from 23 September, 2010 on the right, and the same date in 2009 on the left.
- 两张都是拍的印度河,右边是2010年9月23号的,左边则是2009年9月23号的。
- 8. Himalayan glaciers also feed into major Asian river systems including the Ganges, Indus, Mekong and Yangtze.
- 喜马拉雅山脉冰川也是亚洲主要河流的发源地,包括恒河、印度河、湄公河和长江。
- 9. Like other rivers that wind across coastal plains, the course of the lower Indus river shifts frequently.
- 和其他在沿海平原兜来兜去的河流一样,印度河下游的河道捉摸不定。
- 10. Floodwaters typically carry heavy sediment loads, and the Indus River (image upper right) is muddy brown.
- 洪水通常携带着大量的沉积物,也使印度河(图中右上方)呈现出黯淡的棕色。
- 11. For months and even years, the people of the Indus Valley will not have sufficient income for food or clothing.
- 有这么几个月,甚至几年,印度河流域的村民都会没有足够的收入来维系衣食。
- 12. Areas along the Indus River will be badly affected due to extremely high flood conditions, the department has said.
- 印度河流域将会出现高水位的状况。
- 13. Onepopular, but absurd, idea relates rongo-rongo to the Indus scriptsimply because some of the signs are alike.
- 在他们之中有一种较为流行的解释是朗格朗格语和古印度河文字有关联,因为二者有些字符相似,这有点荒谬。
- 14. Severe monsoon rains in the summer of 2010 led to a dam failure on the Indus River, which subsequently split in two.
- 2010年夏季强烈的季风降水导致印度河一座大坝的崩溃,随即裂成两段。
- 15. We are heading through the Indus Valley and, after the stench and fumes of Karachi, it is all the more beautiful.
- 我们行进在印度河峡谷中(Indus Valley),在经历了卡拉奇恶臭的空气之后,更觉这里的景色宜人。
- 16. Scholars think that yoga grew out of the methods used by shamans of the Indus Valley, more than 5, 000 years ago.
- 学者认为瑜伽发源自五千多年前印度河谷里巫师们所采用的方法。
- 17. From there, the waters flowed south into Sindh province on their way to the ocean, spilling far beyond the Indus' Banks.
- 从那里开始,洪水向南流经信德省进入海洋,溢出印度河河岸。
- 18. At its height, the floodwaters could be seen from space, with the Indus spreading more than 20 miles wide at some parts.
- 在卫星的高度上,洪水可以从空间上观测到,在印度河的某些部分,其宽度扩展到20多公里。
- 19. Theremains of the Indus valley civilisation cover an area of Pakistan andnorth-west India about a quarter the size of Europe.
- 印度河流域文明的遗址包括今天的巴基斯坦和西北部地区,大约是欧洲面积的四分之一。
- 20. The rivers that water some of the world's breadbaskets, such as the Colorado, Murray-Darling and Indus, no longer reach the sea.
- 一些流域是主要的粮食产地,如科罗拉多河,墨累达令和印度河,这些河已经流不到大海了。
- 21. The densely populated province is home to four major rivers that eventually drain into the Indus river, the nation's largest.
- 这个人口稠密的省份汇集了4条主要的河流,它们最终流入其境内最大的印度河。
- 22. Much of the land around the Indus River is wetland, and the salt flats southeast of the Indus River are part of the Rann of Kachchh.
- 印度河流域大部分土地都是湿地,而东南边的盐碱平原有一部分是卡其沼泽地。
- 23. Foods on the Indus River continued to surge downstream into southern Pakistan more than three weeks after the initial floods started.
- 印度河汹涌奔腾的洪水继续向下游的南部巴基斯坦地区涌入,该地区从发生洪灾到现在已经持续3周左右。
- 24. People bury a partially paralyzed boy in the sand along the banks of the Indus River in Pakistan during the Tuesday solar eclipse.
- 周二日食期间,人们将一个偏瘫的男孩埋在巴基斯坦印地安座河河岸的沙滩上。
- 25. Water levels in the Ganges, Indus, Narmada, Sabarmati, Godavari and other rivers of the Kutch were this week at dangerously low levels.
- 本周,恒河、印度河、纳尔默达河、沙巴马蒂河、哥达瓦里河以及喀奇地区其它河流的水平面达到了危险的低水位。
- 26. Water levels in the Ganges, Indus, Narmada, Sabarmati, Godavari and other rivers of the Kutch were this week at dangerously low levels.
- 本周,恒河、印度河、纳尔默达河、沙巴马蒂河、哥达瓦里河以及喀奇地区其它河流的水平面达到了危险的低水位。