- 1. "It's just ridiculous," Hyman, 22, said of the charge.
- “这简直太可笑了,”22岁的海曼对这一指控说。
- 2. His book about Afghanistan is reviewed here by Anthony Hyman.
- 安东尼·海曼在此就他那本关于阿富汗的书写了书评。
- 3. In fact, that's what happened to Olympic volleyball star Flo Hyman.
- 事实上,奥林匹克排球女星弗洛·海曼(Flo Hyman)就是因该病猝死。
- 4. This view was famously expounded by Hyman Minsky, a 20th-century American economist.
- 海曼·明斯基——一位20世纪的美国经济学家——对这一观点的论述尤其著名。
- 5. Hyman has photographed both men and women for his project, but said women are easier.
- 海曼为这一项目拍摄了男人和女人,但他说女人更加容易些。
- 6. Barry Hyman in New York, thanks very much for talking to us that early in your morning.
- 以上是来自纽约的巴里海曼,非常感谢您在清早与我们通话。
- 7. The combination resets the metabolism and cleans out the digestive system, Dr. Hyman says.
- 海曼博士称,这样的组合会重置新陈代谢并清理消化系统。
- 8. But even Hyman concedes further research is needed to better understand the mechanism of a detox.
- 海曼也承认需要通过进一步的研究才能更好地弄清排毒方法。
- 9. Police were summoned. Hyman was released while Neill was handcuffed and taken away in a police car.
- 海曼得到释放,然而尼尔却被铐上手铐,由一辆警车带走了。
- 10. HYMAN: it is and it's a tough task, and we're surprised that the market has actually done this well.
- 海曼:是的,这是一个非常艰巨的任务,而令我们惊讶的是,市场将它处理的非常好。
- 11. Hyman Minsky wrote a 1982 book, "Can 'it' Happen Again?," that raised the possibility of a new depression.
- 海曼·明斯基在1982年写了一本书《“它”还会发生吗?》,提升了发生又一场大萧条的可能性。
- 12. Hyman Minsky, an American economist who died in 1996, said that the financial cycle led to economic volatility.
- 1996年过世的美国经济学家海曼·明斯基曾说,财务循环导致经济的动荡不堪。
- 13. Another is Hyman Minsky, whose main insight was that stability leads to too much debt, and then to collapse.
- 另一位是海曼·明斯基,他的主要观点是稳定导致过多债务从而引发崩溃。
- 14. Minsky, , Hyman P. , Stabilizing an Unstable Economy[M], New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1986.
- 明斯基,海曼,稳定不稳定的经济[M],纽黑文、伦敦:耶鲁大学出版社,1986年;
- 15. The first swimmer is Olympic gold medalist Misty Hyman, and this footage is from her go swim Butterfly video.
- 第一位是奥运会金牌得主米斯蒂•海曼,这段视频来自她的《同我一起游蝶泳》。
- 16. God agrees to grant Hyman a wish, with the condition that whatever he asks for, his brother-in-law will get double.
- 上帝同意赐给Hyman一个愿望,条件是不论他祈求什么,他的姐夫会得到双倍。
- 17. Louis Hyman is an assistant professor of history at Cornell and the author of "Debtor Nation: a history of America in Red Ink."
- 本文作者路易斯·海曼,康奈尔大学的历史学副教授和《债务国家:用红笔书写的美国历史》一书的作者。
- 18. Yet any such drug, Dr. Hyman and others argue, could be misused to erase or block memories of bad behavior, even of crimes.
- 然而任何这样子的药物都可能会被滥用来消除或者阻断坏习惯甚至犯罪的记忆,Hyman博士等人争辩道。
- 19. That sounds like Karl Marx but it is the basic insight of Hyman Minsky, an economist of the mid-20th century whose reputation is being revived.
- 这听似卡尔·马克思的论断,但这是海曼·明斯基的基本视角。这位20世纪中期的经济学家的声誉正有所好转。
- 20. Still, Hyman says the current findings are valuable because they demonstrate that symptoms of autism may appear far earlier than previously thought.
- Hyman还说,尽管如此,目前的研究成果非常的有价值,因为它表明自闭症的早期症状比先前认为的要早。
- 21. This time, though, it's not the 1916 piano roll of Joplin performing it but a 1975 recording of Dick Hyman playing it straight from the sheet music.
- 尽管此次不是1916年乔普林的钢琴卷帘风格,但是1975迪克·海曼直接按活页乐谱弹奏的版本也毫不逊色。
- 22. But a female guard followed Neill to the front of the 129-year-old museum, where another guard physically prevented the model from leaving, Hyman said.
- 海曼说,但是一个女保安跟随尼尔来到这座有着129年历史的博物馆前面,另一个保安以身体阻 止模特离开。
- 23. "We know that people already use smart drugs and performance enhancers of all kinds, so a substance that actually improved memory could lead to an arms race," Dr. Hyman said.
- 我们已经知道人们已经在应用各种各样的变聪明药物和表现增强剂,所以那种可以确实增强记忆的药物会引起一场军备竞赛的,“Hyman博士说。”
- 24. Dr. Hyman says most doctors are 'hopelessly ignorant' about the impact of toxins on the body, but he concedes that further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms.
- 海曼博士说,大多数医生都对毒素对人体的影响“无可救药地无知”,但他承认,为了更好地理解该机制,大家需要进行进一步的研究。
- 25. But persistent pickiness at mealtime could be a reason to look more carefully at a toddler's other behaviors, says Dr. Susan Hyman, a pediatrician at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
- 但是饭桌上持续固执的挑食,我们就需要格外注意孩子其他的一些行为。罗切斯特医学中心大学的儿科学家
- 26. But persistent pickiness at mealtime could be a reason to look more carefully at a toddler's other behaviors, says Dr. Susan Hyman, a pediatrician at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
- 但是饭桌上持续固执的挑食,我们就需要格外注意孩子其他的一些行为。罗切斯特医学中心大学的儿科学家