- 1. In May, Pope John Paul is to beatify Gianna Beretta.
- 五月份,约翰·保罗教皇将为吉娜·伯莱塔宣福。
- 2. She and I loaded her mom's black Chevy Beretta to the ceiling with the Easter baskets.
- 我和苏珊把她妈妈的黑色贝里塔车装满了复活节礼筐。
- 3. When she returned to our house in"The Ghetto"of the University of Dayton, she told us of the floods and how her powder blue Beretta had been destroyed.
- 当她回到我们在代顿大学的“贫民窟”时,她给我们讲了关于洪水的事,以及她在洪水中毁坏的粉蓝色贝里塔车。
- 4. Its name comes from the splendid Villa Beretta, built in the 17th century in Mizzole, in the eastern part of the Valpolicella zone, Podestà (municipal ruler) of the city of Verona.
- 它的名字来自于一个建17世纪的有名别墅贝瑞塔,在瓦尔波利切拉区的东部地区维罗纳市。
- 5. Its name comes from the splendid Villa Beretta, built in the 17th century in Mizzole, in the eastern part of the Valpolicella zone, Podestà (municipal ruler) of the city of Verona.
- 它的名字来自于一个建17世纪的有名别墅贝瑞塔,在瓦尔波利切拉区的东部地区维罗纳市。