- 1. Bellerophon, a lesser-known Greek god, longed to capture and tame Pegasus.
- 一位较不有名的希腊神祇柏勒洛丰渴望掳获派格瑟斯并驯服他。
- 2. Therefore a search for our hero, Bellerophon, we created a monster Chimera.
- 这样,为了造就我们的英雄贝拉尔芬,我们制造了一个怪物——凯米拉。
- 3. I think Nekhorvich created a virus in chimera, and anti - virus to kill it in Bellerophon.
- 我认为奈科维克制造了一种凯米拉病毒,并制造了贝拉尔芬抗毒素。
- 4. 'Pegasus' can be handled similarly if we read it as short for a description:' the winged horse captured by Bellerophon '. So for all proper names.
- “帕格索斯”也可进行类似的处理,如果我们将它视为“柏勒洛丰捕获的那匹有翼的马”这个摹状词的缩写的话。以上处理也适用于所有的专名。
- 5. The first discovery of an extrasolar planet around a sun-like star was 51 Pegasi B, an exoplanet roughly 50 light-years away, unofficially named Bellerophon after the tamer of the mythical Pegasus.
- 第一个被发现的太阳系外行星是51PegasiB,它围绕着一颗类日恒星旋转,距离地球约为50光年,它被非正式的命名为Bellerophon,Bellerophon是驯服了文艺女神珀加索斯的一位希腊英雄。
- 6. The first discovery of an extrasolar planet around a sun-like star was 51 Pegasi B, an exoplanet roughly 50 light-years away, unofficially named Bellerophon after the tamer of the mythical Pegasus.
- 第一个被发现的太阳系外行星是51PegasiB,它围绕着一颗类日恒星旋转,距离地球约为50光年,它被非正式的命名为Bellerophon,Bellerophon是驯服了文艺女神珀加索斯的一位希腊英雄。