- 1. Washington would not take such a step without its allies' approval.
- 没有其同盟国的赞同,华盛顿不会迈出这样的一步。
- 2. The allies landed thousands of airborne troops.
- 同盟国投下了成千上万的空降部队。
- 3. The allies are intensifying their air campaign.
- 盟军在加强他们的空中军事活动。
- 4. It was feared they could break the Allies' codes.
- 只怕他们能破解盟军的密码。
- 5. The two countries will have to consult their allies.
- 两国得同各自的盟友协商。
- 6. The decision left the country isolated from its allies.
- 这个决定使这个国家在盟国中受到孤立。
- 7. The allies say they will treat their prisoners decently.
- 同盟国家称他们将有分寸地对待战俘。
- 8. Baker was smoothing out differences with European allies.
- 贝克尔正在解决与欧洲盟友的分歧。
- 9. He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.
- 他有信心盟国将履行他们的誓言。
- 10. They seem determined to menace the United States and its allies.
- 他们好像决心要威胁美国及其盟国。
- 11. In autumn 1944 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.
- 1944年秋,盟军从安齐奥和萨莱诺侵入意大利大陆。
- 12. Even his closest allies describe him as forceful, aggressive, and determined.
- 甚至他最亲密的同盟者们都说他强势、好斗且坚决。
- 13. A number of the United States' allies had urged him not to make a hasty decision.
- 美国的一些盟友都力劝其不要作出草率的决定。
- 14. He's argued from the start that the US and its allies are putting too much emphasis on the military option.
- 他从一开始就争论说美国及其盟国过于看重军事这个选项。
- 15. The response of America and its allies should not be timid, but it should be measured.
- 美国及其盟友对此的反应不应该是胆怯的,但应该谨慎行事。
- 16. Our allies pressed us to join with them to act against the tyrant and restore order on the south shore of the Mediterranean.
- 我们的同盟们敦促我们加入他们来反抗暴君,并且重新恢复地中海南岸的秩序。
- 17. Mr Saleh has few allies left.
- 萨利赫几乎已经没有盟友了。
- 18. He would also find some Allies.
- 他还可寻找盟友。
- 19. Some potential Allies are put off.
- 这让一些可能的盟友被拒之千里。
- 20. Who can unite the Allies?
- 谁能担负团结联盟的重任?
- 21. But Boeing and its Allies backed off.
- 不过波音和其他同盟都打退堂鼓了。
- 22. Now they have Allies.
- 如今他们有了同盟。
- 23. But Allies are vital.
- 但是,盟友是至关重要的。
- 24. Such Allies can let you down in a pinch.
- 而这样的盟国在必要时可能使你失望。
- 25. NATO Allies have lost some 570 soldiers.
- 北约盟国失去了570名士兵。
- 26. Find a few Allies.
- 寻找几个盟友。
- 27. Find a few Allies.
- 寻找几个盟友。