- 1. She acts like she owns the place.
- 她的举动就像那地方是她的一样。
- 2. Alcohol acts quickly on the brain.
- 酒精对大脑迅速产生影响。
- 3. Beeswax acts as an emulsifying agent.
- 蜂蜡可以用作乳化剂。
- 4. Pain acts as a natural defence mechanism.
- 疼痛算是一种自然防护机制的作用。
- 5. They are capable of the most heinous acts.
- 他们能做出令人发指的事情来。
- 6. The satellite acts as a drag on the shuttle.
- 卫星是对航天飞机发展的阻碍。
- 7. She acts well but she hasn't got star quality.
- 她演得不错,但缺少成为一个明星的素质。
- 8. Sean's a fast thinker, and he acts on impulse.
- 肖恩是个思维敏捷、凭一时冲动行事的人。
- 9. The teacher acts as a facilitator of learning.
- 教师是学习的诱导者。
- 10. She acts as a liaison between patients and staff.
- 她担当病人和医务人员之间的联络员。
- 11. The child's same-sex parent acts as a role model.
- 孩子的同性家长是孩子效仿的榜样。
- 12. They were one of rock's most impressive live acts.
- 他们是最富感染力的现场表演摇滚乐组合之一。
- 13. The site acts as a portal for thousands of online dealers.
- 该站点为数千名网络交易者的门户网站。
- 14. Alcohol acts as a diuretic, making you even more dehydrated.
- 酒水也是利尿剂,它甚至能使你脱水更严重。
- 15. This year numerous bands are playing, as well as comedy acts.
- 今年有许多乐队在表演,也有喜剧节目。
- 16. Support from family and friends acts as a buffer against stress.
- 家庭和朋友的支持有助于减缓压力。
- 17. A number of churches were looted and sacrilegious acts committed.
- 许多教堂被洗劫了,还发生了亵渎行为。
- 18. They have alleged that acts of genocide and torture were carried out.
- 他们声称实施了大屠杀和酷刑。
- 19. He can perform an astonishing variety of acts, including mime and juggling.
- 他会表演的节目种类多得惊人,包括哑剧和抛接杂耍。
- 20. He's taking a dangerous drug: it acts very fast on the central nervous system.
- 他在使用一种危险的药物——这种药物很快作用于中枢神经系统。
- 21. His secretary acts as a gatekeeper, reading all mail before it reaches her boss.
- 老板的秘书负责把关,所有邮件都由她先过目再呈送给他。
- 22. The lawyer claimed his client was provoked into acts of violence by the defendant.
- 律师声称,他的当事人是受到被告的挑衅才采取暴力行动的。
- 23. One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context.
- 人们也能看到具体的行为如何与时间和空间背景相关联。
- 24. It would be wrong to suggest that police officers were not annoyed by acts of indecency.
- 错误的是认为警官不会为无礼行为所恼。
- 25. The computer acts as a word processor where the text of a speech can be input at any time.
- 计算机起着文字处理器的作用,一篇讲话的文本可随时输入。
- 26. Tour America acts as an agent for other vendors and cannot be held responsible for any delays.
- “巡游美国”充当其他卖主的代理商,它对任何延误不承担责任。
- 27. We're looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery, kindness, or courage.
- 我们正在寻找各个年龄的、曾有过无畏、善良或英勇之举的杰出人士。
- 28. Acts of trespass and petty theft often grew out of the blithe disregard that boys had for private property.
- 擅自侵入和小偷小摸的行为经常出自于男孩子们对私有财物漫不经心的轻视态度。
- 29. As a firefighter, Zheng Xin sees heroic acts every day.
- 作为一名消防员,郑鑫每天都能看到英雄事迹。
- 30. Simple acts of kindness like a free haircut will spread.
- 像免费理发这样简单的善举会传播开来。